REVIEW: The Grand Tour, Series 4 Episode Three 'Lochdown'

 REVIEW: The Grand Tour, Series 4 Episode Three 'Lochdown'

In the midst of a global pandemic, it's inevitable that a globe-trotting series like The Grand Tour is going to be affected. Clarkson, Hammond and May have been traversing all across the world in all manners of cars since their Top Gear days, but something of that manner is just not feasible right now, in these current times. Shows like this must adapt if they are going to survive.

Fortunately adapt is exactly what this show does, as the trio stay local with an adventure in American cars around Scotland. The traditional lad's banter of the three presenters remains, meaning it feels very much like business as usual, as they joke about how Clarkson's car looks like it's talking, and leave each other behind whenever their colleague's car breaks down. Nothing feels like it has changed, despite a less exotic setting than normal.

The cars certainly seemed to struggle driving around some of the tighter and more steep roads of Scotland. Particularly Hammond's, which starts steaming as it tries to ascend one such hill. This is what works so well about these Specials. They feel like adventure movies, with plenty of obstacles that hinder our trio along the way. Nothing goes straightforward, there's always some form of challenge they need to overcome.

The Special sees a return to the trio's well known hatred for caravans, as they are initially forced due to COVID regulations to stay in this type of holiday accommodation. Needless-to-say, the caravans don't stick around for long, with all three either falling apart, or getting lost on the open road. The best part of this section is when they decorate these caravans, and James May kits his out with a cow theme. It's absolutely hilarious and easily one of the craziest designs they have ever done, with James May even going as far as to fit his caravan with an udder.

The modifications they make to the American cars are somewhat less over the top, although it does provide its own set of funny moments. Richard Hammond's supercharger that he fits to his car bonnet is fun, for instance, as we see how it adds an extra challenge for Hammond in terms of it obscuring his view. Clarkson and Hammond fitting a picture of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle over the back wheel of James May's car is exactly the kind of schoolboy-esque prank that really makes this trio's work stand out also. It fits their unique brand of humour perfectly.

Some elements of this Special do feel like a repeat of past Top Gear Specials. Most notably the bridge, which is an exact copy of the Burma Special's ending, minus the joke which some deemed 'racist'. It's still enjoyable, but there is a sense of 'We've seen it all before', and it would be nice if the conclusion had instead been something entirely new. 

The closing gag on the other hand is fantastic. Clarkson, Hammond and May arrive at Richard Hillman's American town, which he made with the intention of it acting as a safe haven for American car enthusiasts, only to discover that it has already been taken over by China. It feels topical and totally relevant to the discussions of today, with the popular conspiracy theory that has often done the rounds that China is somehow using COVID-19 to buy shares in various companies worldwide, so they slowly assert dominance and claim all the profits. They even manage to slot a gag about 5G in here, which really makes it feel like a complete mockery of these stupid conspiracy nutters who never seem to want to go away. 

Overall, 'Lochdown' may not be the most original Grand Tour Special, but it's still highly enjoyable, and displays a great sense of fun. The closer to home setting does not impact on the Specials format in  the slightest, with the episode still managing to provide the same sense of banter and comradery that has been present since the trio's days on BBC2. Hopefully there's a shorter wait once again until the next episode, because it's been great to have another episode so much sooner than the previous gap from the year before.

What are your thoughts on The Grand Tour Presents Lochdown? Let me know in the comments.


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